Mit Energie in den Valentinstag starten. Wählen Sie Technogymgeräte für Ihr Zuhause. Jetzt Katalog herunterladen. Shop the styles that match you. Get started with Moves.
Per dare a tutti le stesse possibilità e opportunità, indipendentemente da età, sesso e livello di abilità fisica, abbiamo creato il MOVE , un nuovo modo di misurare il movimento. To give everyone the same chance and opportunity, irrespective of age, sex and level of physical ability, we created the MOVE , a new way to measure movement. Support the fight against a sedentary lifestyles by joining the biggest social movement campaig. De Kinesis maakt meer dan 4oefeningen mogelijk voor een volledige training die kracht, flexibiliteit en evenwicht verbetert middels driedimensionaal bewegen. A powerful message to make gyms, members, trainers and the community aware of obesity related problems and to increase the motivation to adopt an even more a. The campaign will take place for the fourth year running, with the social goal of reducing obesity and sedentariness.
This video is unavailable. Più ti alleni e più doni! Von Jahr zu Jahr steigt die Zahl der Übergewichtigen weltweit. Così dal 1° al marzo, Starbene Group ti invita a. The initiative aims to raise community awareness of sedentariness and obesity while promoting exercise as an ideal way to combat them. Let’s Move for a Better World.

See more ideas about Lets move , Worlds of fun and Let it be. Sport ist unsere Leidenschaft und einer unsere. Technogym che coinvolge i centri sportivi in Italia e nel mondo. Products and Services for achieving Wellness through physical activity. For the sixth year running, the number one social cause campaign in the industry has connected a community of 200people around the world who have donated their exercise for a good cause.
Jährlich steigt die Zahl der Übergewichtigen weltweit. Lascia un commento Annulla risposta. Let Move for a Better World:.
Active Families: Engage in physical activity each day : a total of minutes for children, minutes for adults. How are MOVEs collected? The initiative will be fully dedicated to Augie’s Quest, the Augie Nieto fundraising and research initiative aimed at finding more effective treatments and a cure for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).
Mal das Projekt „ LET´S MOVE FOR A BETTER WORLD“. Die soziale Kampagne gegen Bewegungsmangel und Übergewicht findet erneut statt, um die Welt ein Stück weit gesünder und aktiver zu machen. Monday 11th March to Saturday 30th March. The series needs plenty of space. Träningskampanjens syfte är att hjälpa till att minska dagens akuta globala problem med ökad fetma, diabetes och benskörhet samt alla andra problem och sjukdomar som uppstår på grund av en inaktiv livsstil.

Members were challenged to “donate their MOVEs” to fight obesity and win a TechnoGym -donated product for a non-profit in their community. Are you moving to make the world a better place? Bougez pour lutter contre l’obésité ! ONE WEEK AND 110MOVES IN!
HAVE YOU JOINED THE TEAM YET? Join Eltham Leisure Centre in competing to win training equipment for Eltham High School and get the community moving.
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