giovedì 16 marzo 2017

Esercizi reading pet

They can grow (2) to inches long, and are related to the squirrel. Reading Interactive exercises: 100. Guys - I found out about the music in the park. Tickets are available Mon-Friday.

Tips for the PET (B1: Preliminary) Multiple Choice Part Questions In the PET Part Multiple Choice task, you will read real-world notices, messages and other short texts and need to show you can understand the main message. Esercizi di Grammatica Inglese in pdf - pdf Grammar Worksheets. In this part, you have to match five people to eight texts. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Quisque consequat odio vel dolor volutpat et varius ligula tristique. Curabitur lacinia porttitor lorem, non venenatis massa molestie sed. Etiam nunc tellus, tempus a sagittis eu, egestas non lorem. Il test di inglese che Cambridge English usato per certificare specificamente il livello Bè il FCE (First Certificate in English) o BFirst. The Preliminary English Test , corresponds to level A2-Bof the Common European Framework and is provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment.

Se hai deciso di preparati all’esame PET (Preliminary English Test ), saprai che un test riconsciuto in tutto il mondo del livello europeo B1. Per superare l’esame devi fare tante ‘mock test ’, ovvero simulazione dell’esame. Se vuoi altri test -simulazioni puoi vedere questo articolo.

You will read a passage. After reading , there are questions for you to answer. Exam English Prove di lettura per l’esame PET. Try to do this test and check your at the end. In the PET Part Gapped Text task, you need to be able to show understanding of how a coherent and well-structured text is formed.

Here are some tips to follow when attempting the PET Part Gapped Text task: Read the whole text first before you attempt to any questions. The principles of the New High Protein Diet. Why are so many men secret dieters. A growing collection of English reading comprehension exercises.

Select from the subjects below, or browse by level: beginner, intermediate or advanced. ESERCITAZIONE READING AN COMPREHENSION John, Rich, and I loved living on the farm in New Jersey. Look at the text in each question. Click the correct box A, B or C. La sezione di Listening dell’esame di inglese PET dura circa minuti e comprende domande. Some of them belong to the Crown (2).

Athens by the more military power of Sparta. It is about vocabulary and grammar. There is a text with gaps.

Bnel Quadro Comune Europeo di riferimento per il grado di conoscenza della lingua, equivalente ad un livello medio-basso, adatto a situazioni comuni e di vita. This is Part of the Cambridge Preliminary Test ( PET ), level B1. The following tests were designed for PET -BEnglish Level. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

Users can practice them to improve skills before taking a real test. Přečtete si informace o tom, jaké knihy se líbí pěti lidem a potom ke každému přiřadíte jednu z osmi knih. This is a reading test that contains reading texts, with different tasks (MC, lexical MC and fill in the gaps).

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